Our unique selling point is the FSI Worldwide Recruitment and Management System (FRMS). The FRMS brings together a complex set of processes and infrastructure in both source countries and destination countries that enable FSI to recruit, train, mobilise and manage workers to a very high ethical and quality standard.

FSI Worldwide brings a superior service that results in increased productivity in industries that otherwise suffer from inadequate oversight of the recruitment and management of workers from the developing world.  We interdict the widespread exploitative practices of labour brokers, human trafficking, debt bondage, forced labour and other systematic labour abuses.  Such bad practice and corruption undermines productivity and puts companies at risk of falling foul of trafficking in persons legislation and incurring severe reputational damage.

The FRMS delivers lasting benefit to the workers, their families, their communities and home countries as well as delivering benefit to the employers and destination countries. It also delivers value to FSI shareholders, partners and employees.