FSI has offices in Washington DC. The FSI US team focuses on Business Development and US Government advocacy work. A number of FSI Worldwide’s strategic clients are based in DC and the US represents a significant pool of public and private sector contracting opportunities. The USA often drives a global legal and regulatory landscape for contracting, from the DC office FSI is able to bring timely analysis and advice to ensure greater supply chain transparency.
Latin America is a new operating location for FSI Worldwide, driven by client requirements for Latin American workers. Recruitment operations are headquartered in Bogota with branch offices in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Panama and Peru.
The South America team enable recruitment for international work across all South American Countries and, when necessary, further afield. The highly experienced team, consisting of a mix of locals and expatriates with deep international experience, recruits across the spectrum of worker capabilities and provides full employment services. The team is very well informed of developments in recruitment and employment regulations so maintains compliance in all areas of employment.
FSI is a ISOA Members and Board member –http://stability-operations.org/
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